20 Jan 2010


Drew this little old lady sweetening her coffee. Either she was in a complete dream and didn't realise how much sugar she had put in her coffee, or she felt she obviously wasn't sweet enough and needed all the help she could get. I swear there were at least 6 empty packs of sugar, and more to follow. She also had 5 empty milk sachets. Coffee with your sugar madam?


  1. boyohboy that brings back memories of watching my dad prepare his coffee - like drinking coffee ice cream! um...yum? Lol

  2. lol ... a woman after my own heart! Great sketch. nancy

  3. Haha...that's me, a little down the road! Candy coffee! Wonderful, wonderful sketch!

  4. Well it's so bitter you know...

    I like those loose lines, nicely captured.

  5. Great job on capturing her character. Good sketch.

  6. Thanks guys, it also reminds me off my uncle who put in huge amounts of sugar in his tea/coffee, then spent ages just stirring. We would all as children just be fixated on how watching how many times he stirred his drink, and not listen to a word he was saying...

  7. I don't drink coffee too often, but that sounds like me sweeting my tea. Great sketch.

  8. I loved your sketch, you have caught the moment perfectly, I can almost hear the rustle of the sugar packets as she tips yet more into the cup!
