3 Mar 2011

Two gone and counting

So where have the past two months gone to? Gone far too fast, but must show I've been having far too much fun. Either that or just got too many things to do and not enough time.

So I'm back to doing my drawing calendar, did it last year sort of, but I tended to draw the days about a week or so later, and couldn't for the life of me remember some of the days, so its only a half filled diary. I've kept this one in the midst of my current sketch book, as last year I kept it separate and never took it around with me. If I can keep this years one going daily, as its always with me,  it would be great, then at least I've got a reminder in the years to come of what a crazy ol time its been lately.


  1. Thats such a great idea (I have problems with my memory too), I use agenda all the time, but your calendar is neat. I just have ask, what happen with the very cute pig??

  2. Looks like your having fun doing them too! So glad others can't remember their days.

  3. Great idea! I'll have to keep this in mind for next year!

  4. That is a real commitment! Nice idea.

  5. excellent idea - and wonderful sketches.

  6. This is an interesting idea. Good luck with it.


  7. I had forgotten about the one you did last year, but I love this idea! Just doing it everyday would be a challenge for me, but you seem to have mastered it! nancy

  8. Oh, and I seem to be having the same issues with time lately!
